Version 2

Version 2

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Additional CIML meeting documents to download:
Opening speeches
Approval of the agenda
Part 1: Pre-Conference items |
1 |
Approval of the minutes of the 50th CIML Meeting
2 |
General report by the CIML President
3 |
Presentation(s) by candidates for the CIML Presidency and Vice-Presidency
4 |
BIML matters
4.1 Report on BIML activities
4.2 Discussion on the recruitment of a BIML Assistant Director
5 |
Member States and Corresponding Members
6 |
Financial matters
6.1 Approval of the 2015 accounts
6.2 Closure of the Translation Center
6.3 Arrears of Member States and Corresponding Members
6.4 Forecast budget realization for 2016
6.5 Examination of the proposed budget for the 2017–2020 financial period
7 |
Report on matters concerning Countries and Economies with Emerging Metrology Systems (CEEMS)
7.1 BIML activities in connection with CEEMS matters
7.2 Special projects fund for CEEMS
7.3 Advisory group on CEEMS
8 |
Special projects
8.1 Report of the B 6 revision Project Group
OIML-CS (Certification System) Project Group
8.2.1 Report on activities
8.2.2 Approval of FDB B xx Framework for the OIML Certification System (OIML-CS)
9 |
Technical activities
9.1 Technical items for approval
9.2 Technical items for information
10 |
Preparation of the 15th Conference
10.1 Nominations for the Presidency of the 15th Conference
10.2 Review of the draft agenda for the 15th Conference
11 |
Other matters (1)
Part 2: Post-Conference items |
12 |
Report on OIML Certificate Systems
13 |
Review of the Resolutions of the 15th Conference
14 |
14.1 Report by the BIML on liaison activities
14.2 Short reports from / presentations by Liaison Organizations
14.3 Information regarding the RLMO Round Table
15 |
Human resources matters
15.1 Election of a CIML Vice-President
16 |
17 |
Future meetings
17.1 52nd CIML Meeting (2017)
17.2 53rd CIML Meeting (2018)
18 |
Other matters (2)
19 |
Approval of meeting resolutions